
I am a 4th year student at Ens Paris-Saclay in theoretical computer science. I am mostly interested in proof assistants, type theory, and other related notions.

I am currently working on :

  • Generating recursors for inductive types for Coq using MetaCoq, and on verifying Coq’s guard condition with Nicolas Tabareau
  • Leveraging the parametricity of initial semantics framework in the input monoidal category with Ambroise Lafont
  • Reformulating and extending some notions of initial semantics to polymorphic languages with Benedikt Ahrens and Ambroise Lafont


Talk at HoTT and Computing – Classical and Quantum April, 2024

I will give at talk at the workshop Homotopy Type Theory and Computing - Classical and Quantum entitled “Computing Cohomology Rings in Cubical Agda” about our associated CPP paper.

Master 2 Research Internship with Nicolas Tabareau March, 2024

I will be starting my master 2 research internship in march 2024, under the supervision of Nicolas Tabareau. We will investigate the generation of induction principles for nested inductive types in Coq.

New Preprint with Benedikt Ahrens January, 2024

I am happy to share our new preprint An Introduction to Different Approaches to Initial Semantics with Benedikt Ahrens, that aims at getting closer different approaches to initial semantics.

Distinguished Paper at CPP23 December, 2022

Our paper Computing Cohomology Rings in Cubical Agda with Axel Ljungström and Anders Mörtberg, was accepted at CPP 2023 and awarded Distinguished Paper.

In the paper, we explain how to formalize Cohomology Rings in synthetic mathematics. With a special focus on data structures and how they influence formalization, most noticeably the direct sum and (multivariate) polynomials.