
I am a 1st year PhD student in the Gallinette team at Inria & Nantes University, under the direction of Nicolas Tabareau, Yannick Forster, and Matthieu Sozeau.
I am working on Proof Assistants, most particularly on generating recursors for inductive types using MetaCoq, and towards formalising Coq’s guard condition.

On the side of my phd, I am pushing forward the project Coq Platform Docs aiming at documenting Coq and its Platform.

I am also working on some other projects linked to initial semantics with Benedikt Ahrens and Ambroise Lafont.

Research Internship

Research Internship with Benedikt Ahrens Oct, 22 - Jul, 23
TU Delft , Programming Language Group

As my 3rd at Ens Paris-Saclay, I am starting in October 2022, a 9 months research internship with Benedikt Ahrens. The project will be to extend the framework of initial semantics (in the tradition of monads-based models) with polymorphism.

Research Internship with Anders Mörtberg Mar, 22 - Sep, 22
Stockholm University , MathComp Group

For my second semester of first year of Master, I will do a 6 months research internship with Anders Mörtberg. The project will be to attempt to formalize cohomology rings, in univalent synthetic mathematics in Cubical Agda

Research Internship with Nicolas Tabareau Jun, 21 - Aug, 21
Inria Nantes , Gallinette Team

For my last year of bachelor, I will do a 2 months research internship with Nicolas Tabareau. The project will be to reformulate the framework of univalent parametricity to fully size to CIC omega


Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay Sep, 20 - Sep, 24
Ens Paris-Saclay , Department of Computer Science

Attend Ens Paris-Saclay in theoretical computer science. Amounting to a master in research in theoretical computer science and a second general research master.

Higher School Preparatory Classes Sep, 17 - Jul, 20
Lycee Camille Guerin , MPSI / MP*

Attend preparatory classes to french national competitive exams to engineering and research schools. Orientation theoretical mathematics and theoretical physics with an option in theoretical computer science.